
De-stress with me + other like-minded folks tonight – 7pm in Syosset. Refreshments will be served & friends will be made! http://ow.ly/bJXhh

Do u have a gym membership wasting away? Lost the willpower to cook/eat right? Find inspiration with me & others like u! http://ow.ly/aKLdi

Dear Friends, please join me in supporting my friend and fellow Health Coach, Lorraine Miller in a special one day sale of her “From Gratitude to Bliss Journal.” Normally sold on amazon and in local book stores, it is being offered today in a one day sale on opensky.com featuring free shipping and a free happiness lecture by Gabrielle Bernstein! Makes a great guft for yourself and for anyone you love – think Mother’s day! http://ow.ly/ad0Cl

Words of wisdom – The 5 Most Dangerous Food Myths – http://www.livestrong.com/blog/the-5-most-dangerous-food-myths/

Being spiritual does not equal being religious. Spirituality is about connecting within and with your higher self. By doing so, you will not only ease stress and illness but experience the universe guiding you in the right direction.

In response to my recent newsletter, a friend wrote: “Wow! I truly enjoyed all the inspiring messages, useful information and delicious recipes that it contained. I thank you for the send!” Not on my list? Sign up here and receive your free report to Optimize Vitality, Health & Happiness Now: http://ow.ly/9pFLo

Staying healthy while traveling is getting easier. Soon u can reap the benefits of vacationing minus undoing your health! http://ow.ly/9o4Fi

“they say it’s how good they feel that keeps them living the lifestyle that their neighbors sometimes find strange.”

Valentines Day is a day we show the ones we love how much we love them By definition this includes not just our sweetheart but parents, children, friends and most importantly ourselves.

I used to be somewhat against Hallmark holidays but the intention behind Valentines Day is a great one – “what the world needs now is love, sweet love.” But let us remember this everyday, not just once a year.

The day after Valentines Day is somewhat like the day after your wedding. The planning and celebrations are over, the relatives and guests have all returned home, it’s back to daily living as usual – but you are now different. Today, choose to be different. Love yourself, love others and love the universe the way the universe truly loves you. You are what you project and all we really, truly, need is love, sweet love.







Life at times can be overwhelming. We take on more than we can get done at  any given point and often lose focus on the underlying goals at hand. But when we stop and listen, we realize divinity is all around us. We must not forget our heart never skips a beat. Our lungs fill with air without us even noticing. And our organs work just as they should, keeping our body in working order  every minute of every day. Even the microbials in our gut have a language to talk to our brain with our brain talking back helping us fight infection and disease. Around us the sun rises every day and the earth turns on its axis. The seasons change. The rivers flow.  And trees bear fruit.

When we consume what nature provides for us,  we are eating that divinity. It is no accident that a tree bears fruit. At some point, the ground was pollinated and the tree grew.  It was nourished by the sun and by the soil and it brought forth a new life  – the apple that you eat. When you eat that apple you are consuming all of the divinity and nourishment that went into creating it. The vitamins, minerals and nutrients. While that apple was growing it looked up at the Sun every day and soaked in her glory. Now you will are soaking in that glory.

A marriage is a holy union. When you plan your wedding you are setting up your life together moving ahead for the rest of time. Holiness does not have to be religious. We are born from divinity and you meeting your soulmate is divinity as well. Take some time each and every day to be mindful of the holiness all around you.  And when you feel stressed, ask yourself if the cause of your stress is really worth your aggravation. After all, we are all spiritual beings who sometimes need a reminder of our own beautiful being in this magnificent world.